Mrs. Wilson's Class Website


Welcome Fourth Graders (and those who support them!)

Welcome to our class website! Fourth grade is exciting! Use this website as a way to update yourselves with what is happening in our class. Please email me if you need assistance or have additional questions! Check out the blog regularly as YOUR students will be updating it with the latest happenings in our class! A new student is the reporter everyday and will keep you up-to-date with what is going on and what they are learning.

I can't wait to spend my days with you guys and get to know each one of you! Believe it or not, there's much more to fourth grade than missions! I think my job is the best in the world because I get to know 32 new people every year and help them become better versions of themselves. Feel free to contact me about anything as I want this to be the best year of your education yet!

                      Most Sincerely,
                      Mrs. Wilson